Tree man during the winter snowy weather

Steve sent me gorgeous flowers for Valentine's Day!

Hannah and Floyd, best buds! Floyd is Becky's dog. They came to visit us in January.

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Hannah and Floyd at Becky's apartment in Portland, Oregon.

Steve and I in Chinatown, Portland, OR

Becky and I holding up the arch near the waterfront in downtown Portland.

Steve and I in Portland.

Becks and I at the waterfront.

Hannah watching for birdies at Camano Island State Park.

Becky and I visited the Troll under the bridge in Seattle.
Just a few shots of what I was up to January through February. I took my Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist exam March 11. I won't find out results until late June. Until then, I'll just have to play more and put up pics more regularly!