(These pics are all in reverse order on here. Hannah definitely didn't start out tired!)
For my birthday this year, Hannah and I (it was her adopted Bday that day as well!) drove north where we could find some sunshine. We drove first to the border, Blaine, WA, where we walked around Peace Arch State Park. It was really cold and windy up there! Next, we headed south to Semiahmoo Park and Spit where we hiked along the rocky beach and where Hannah saw many birds she wanted to chase. After that, we drove to Birch Bay State Park and did a little in-the-woods hike. Then, we drove into Bellingham so I could grab a quick bite to eat. Afterward, we headed over to Whatcom Falls Park and did a nice long hike. Hannah particularly enjoyed drinking the freezing cold river water. We ran into another German Shorthair Pointer, more white than brown, and Hannah was very happy! Hannah passed out in the car ride home. Later, Steve took me out for a birthday dinner, ending the evening with a few drinks at the Lodge with our friends. Overall, I must say, I had a nice, adventurous day!