Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Honorary yooper!

Well, i made it to Houghton on Sunday afternoon. My "host family" is very nice and fun to hang out with. They gave me a personal tour of the town Sunday evening and treated me to a nice dinner. Monday I headed out on my own since i didn't start my internship until Tuesday. I bummed around town and gathered some flyers for things to do while I'm here. I saw a posting for the Calumet Theatre in Calumet, where the Gaelic Storm will be performing, so i'm going to get tickets for Friday. Apparently they are very good.
I also drove north along the 203 (for those of you inclined to look on a map) and did a bit of hiking on the shoreline of Lake Superior. Lots of rocks and crystal clear water! I'm going to attempt to download the software on the computer here so i can show you all pictures, but probably not until this weekend.
Anyway- i'm having a blast so far and can't wait to show off pictures! Take care, eh!


1 comment:

Andy & Sara said...

hey erin!

your pics look great! enjoy the cool weather- it´s hot down here...

keep the pics coming and have a good couple of months as an honorary yooper!